General Permit Information

When a Permit is Required

Permits are generally required for all new construction, remodels, renovations or enlargements. Permits are also required for repairs or replacement of the parts of a building related to maintenance of structural integrity and systems related to mechanical, electrical, or plumbing.

General maintenance projects such as painting, carpeting, wallpapering, replacing or adding cabinets, and trim work are considered cosmetic and do not require a permit.

Purpose & Need of Permits

There is often considerable concern about the purpose of and need for building permits. Building permits are required because the City of Lacy Lakeview has adopted the International Building, Fire, and Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, in addition to National Electrical Codes.

Ensuring Conformity to Adopted Codes

Permits ensure conformity of the adopted codes by allowing qualified city inspectors to investigate and examine work.


Once a permit has been review and priced, all payments can be made by contacting the inspections department at 254-799-2458 option 3. No inspections will be granted unless payment has been made. 


Project Requirements Permits

The following projects require permits:

Accessory buildings


Carports and canopies/covers

Construction trailers


Demolition of a building

Driveways and sidewalks

Electrical work


Fire sprinklers/alarms


Framing of walls

Garages/barns/pool houses

Garage sales

Lawn sprinklers

Liquefied petroleum gas installation

Mechanical work - air conditioning, etc.

Moving - moving of structures over public streets

Parking - including temporary

Patio covers

Plumbing work

Private sewage work

Public works and utilities

Pyrotechnic displays

Retaining walls

Room additions to existing space and/or a building

Seasonal uses


Special events

Stationary food vendors

Subdivision entry walls

Swimming pools/spas

Temporary buildings/trailers

Temporary outdoor sales


Underground installations

UST removals

Water heaters

Window replacements

Please Note: This is not an all-inclusive list. The above list is considered to be general, and its purpose is to provide the residents with an idea of projects requiring permits.

If you have any questions or need more information concerning your specific project, please contact the City Inspector at 254-799-2458 option 3.