Certificate of Occupancy

A Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is a document provided by the City that proves that a structure is habitable based on its legal use and type of property, and meets all housing and building codes. 

When do I need a Certificate of Occupancy? 

Certificate of Occupancy shall be required for any:

  • Change in business, ownership or management within a building
  • If utilities have disconnected more than 30 days

No such use, or change of use, shall take place until a c/o has been issued by the City Inspector


How much does a Certificate of Occupancy (C/O) cost? 

The cost of a Certificate of Occupancy is $150 after completion and submittal of a C/O application.


What are the procedures to obtain a CO?

  1. Complete and submit an application to the City Inspector along with the appropriate fee.
  2. Before the building can be occupied and electricity turned on by Oncor Electric, the building site must be inspected and approved by City Inspector.  When requested, these inspections take place the following work day after application review is complete or may be scheduled at a later date at your convenience. 
  3. Inspections are performed between 7:00am – 3:00pm. The building must be accessible to the City Inspector on the day inspections are scheduled and the correct address and suite numbers must be posted. If the building is not accessible and ready for inspection, a $30 reinspection fee may be charged for the first reinspection.
  4. When the CO is approved by the City Inspector the electricity will be released to Oncor Electric or gas company and the CO will be available for pick up or provided at the time of inspection. 


To request a Commercial Certificate of Occupancy, please complete the Certificate of Occupancy form.